ORI Martin’s mission is to contribute to the decarbonization of the steel industry by leveraging the circularity embedded in the business model, innovating products and processes with lower environmental impact.
Through its business activities, the ORI Martin Sustainability Framework contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
In pursuing its goals, the Group, focuses on its people, ensuring and promoting full compliance with ethical principles throughout the whole supply chain.

The six strategic pillars of Sustainability Framework:

  • DECARBONIZATION (SDGs 7 – 11 – 12 – 13);
  • ACT FOR COMMUNITY (SDGs 8 – 12 – 13);
  • CARE FOR PEOPLE (SDGs 4 – 5 – 8 – 10);


Sustainability Manager

In 2019, the position of Sustainability Manager was established, reporting directly to the CEO with respect to the centralized management and coordination of all Group sustainability activities, from reporting to the definition, implementation and monitoring of sustainability-related projects.

CAROLINA DE MIRANDA – Sustainability Manager
E-mail: carolina.demiranda@orimartin.it

Sustainability Committee

To move forward with a sustainable governance model, and to ensure a more structured, centralised and transparent management of sustainability issues, in 2024 the company formally established the ORI Martin Group Sustainability Committee.
The committee is composed of top executives who are members of the CDA and managers from various departments within the group. Its objectives are to identify potential ESG risks, define primary focuses and support the Board of Directors in approving and monitoring the company's sustainability strategy and policies.

The establishment of the Committee is the result of ORI Martin's desire to be compliant with new guidelines and ESG standards, and to strive for a responsible and sustainable governance.

Sustainability Committee


In 2024, as a further demonstration of its commitment to Corporate Sustainability, ORI Martin submitted the Ecovadis questionnaire and was awarded a Silver Medal.
EcoVadis® is one of the most important international sustainability rating platforms. The assessment model is based on globally recognised standards and is overseen by an international scientific committee, which uses a questionnaire to verify the supplier's performance in relation to four macro-areas:

  • Environment;
  • Labour and Human Rights;
  • Ethics;
  • Sustainable Procurement.
This award clearly reflects ORI Martin's commitment and willingness to pursue a sustainable business model.


Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP)

The Carbon Disclosure Project, a not-for-profit charity that runs the global disclosure system for investors, companies, cities, states and regions to manage their environmental impacts, has awarded ORI Martin a 'B' in its analysis of the Climate Change Report 2023 data.
Each year, the CDP takes the information provided in the annual voluntary reporting process and assigns a score rating from a minimum of 'F' to a maximum of 'A' to companies and cities based on their journey through disclosure and towards environmental leadership.
In 2023, ORI Martin completed the questionnaire under the ‘Climate Change Programme’ and received a B score - in line with the European average but higher for the metal smelting, refining and forming sector. In 2024, the company submitted to second review including also the ‘Water Programme’.

Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP)

Corporate welfare plan

Sustainability at ORI Martin is not only about the environment but also about social and governance issues
The importance of the social sphere is reflected in the provision of a comprehensive corporate welfare plan - designed to meet the needs of its employees in various aspects: from health to personal development and financial support for the family. 
Among the various benefits and services provided by the company to its employees are: 

  • An extensive and diversified training plan;
  • Providing family financial bonuses (baby bonuses, scholarships, marriage bonuses, etc.);
  • Health services (Metasalute fund, flu vaccination, check-ups and specific prevention campaigns). 

To encourage sustainable environmental practices among employees, the company developed an innovative Home-Work Travel Plan. In 2021, the role of Mobility Manager was introduced to oversee the evolution of staff mobility, promote sustainable solutions, and share information about local initiatives in this area.

In 2024, as part of a broader Diversity and Inclusion programme aimed at promoting equality and reducing workplace discrimination, the role of Disability Manager was established. This manager designs and implements policies and procedures to improve workplace accessibility for individuals with physical and/or mental disabilities.

Luisa Moretti – Mobility Manager
Email: luisa.moretti@orimartin.it

Elena Pallini – Disability Manager
Email: elena.pallini@orimartin.it

Corporate welfare plan

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